Tuesday 29 November 2011

Hollywood's New Kick - Wall Street Journal

Hollywood's New Kick - Wall Street Journal
Hollywood's New KickWall Street JournalAnd mixed martial arts, where athletes combine Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Brazilian and American fighting styles, has exploded as a professional sport. The Ultimate Fighting Championship and Fox recently signed a $90 million, eight-year TV deal. ...
The NFL cares, FIFA doesn't: Rex Ryan facing hefty fine while FIFA basically ... - Irish Central
The NFL cares, FIFA doesn't: Rex Ryan facing hefty fine while FIFA basically ...Irish CentralThis comes hot on the heels after the Jets fined Ryan when he made an obscene gesture to fans at a mixed martial arts event in Miami during Super Bowl week in 2010 ($50000 that time). So, let's get this totally straight in our heads before we move on ...and more »

martial art  MMA

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