Sunday 29 January 2012

Swing States poll: Romney and Obama tied; Gingrich trails - USA TODAY

Swing States poll: Romney and Obama tied; Gingrich trails - USA TODAY
IBNLive.comSwing States poll: Romney and Obama tied; Gingrich trailsUSA TODAYBy Susan Page, USA TODAY WASHINGTON – Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney essentially ties Barack Obama in the nation's top dozen battlegrounds, a USA TODAY/Gallup Swing States survey finds, while rival Newt Gingrich now trails the president by ...Newt Gingrich: Businesses Will Start Creating Jobs On Election Night If Obama ...Huffington PostAhead in Florida, Romney turns focus back to ObamaIBNLive.comFour More Years For Obama, Weekend Polls ShowForbesReuters -Haaretz (blog)all 2,317 news articles »

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