Friday 25 May 2012

New Approach Could Relieve Ringing Ears - ABC News

New Approach Could Relieve Ringing Ears - ABC News
ABC NewsNew Approach Could Relieve Ringing EarsABC NewsSo when Sal's doctor told him that the noise he was hearing was from a condition called tinnitus -- best known for buzzing or ringing in the ears -- all he wanted was a solution. He was told that tinnitus has no cure -- an answer he said he could not ...
Study provides compelling evidence for an effective new treatment for tinnitus - Medical Xpress
Study provides compelling evidence for an effective new treatment for tinnitusMedical XpressTinnitus, described as a sustained ringing in the ears, affects up to 21% of adults at some point in their lifetime. Many treatments are offered for tinnitus, but there is very little evidence about which ones work best and few studies have compared ...and more »

Ringing In The Ears  tinnitus

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