Saturday 16 June 2012

Concussion bill receives approval by Ohio House - Parkersburg News

Concussion bill receives approval by Ohio House - Parkersburg News
Concussion bill receives approval by Ohio HouseParkersburg NewsBut other symptoms of a concussion can be nausea, dizziness, difficulty ... loss or seeing spots, a ringing in the ears and unusual sensitivity to light and sound. ... individual's professional duties include concussion evaluation and treatment or if ...
After two decades of pain, 'miraculous' surgery frees woman of brain ... - Bangor Daily News
After two decades of pain, 'miraculous' surgery frees woman of brain ...Bangor Daily News... headaches, constant ringing in her ears and memory problems Chiari caused, she said. ... Some have no symptoms at all, while others experience a range of ...
PUC dodges complaints - Marinscope Community Newspapers
PUC dodges complaintsMarinscope Community Newspapers"There's a common denominator, symptoms we keep hearing about." ... from a range of afflictions, including headaches, sleeplessness and ringing in the ears.and more »
Three bizarre tales of medical survivors, and what they can (and ... - Scientific American (blog)
Scientific American (blog)Three bizarre tales of medical survivors, and what they can (and ...Scientific American (blog)As she recounts on her personal website, Jeanna noticed symptoms a month later, ... How it worked: Jeanna's radical treatment was based off two critical pieces of knowledge on rabies infection. ..... Tinnitus Sufferers Hoping Serenade Sound Therapy Can ...

Ringing In The Ears  tinnitus

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