Wednesday 1 August 2012

Getting Back Together With Your Ex Can Be Tricky - What Is The Best Approach?.avi Getting Back Together With Your Ex Can Be Tricky - What Is The Best Approach? When you just went trough a breakup, your only thought is to get back together with the one you still have feelings with. However, getting back together with your ex is something that can be a bit tricky, so what is the best approach? Start With Forgiveness You really can not start fresh if you still are trapped in the past. You will want to accept the breakup and forgive your ex and yourself as well. The blame is something that you both share, but you need to let go of all those feelings before you can start working your way back into your ex's heart. Time to Forget Do not think that forgiving means forgetting. They are not the same, and while you might have forgiven your ex, it is more likely that you did not forget all the sins of the past. However, you want to get rid of that extra baggage - it really does not do you any good, and it does not do any good to hold this against your ex. If you don't forget and forgive, you set a road to failure. Say You're Sorry After you forget and forgive you want to be able to apologize and say sorry. However, you don't want to say sorry to fast - your ex will not be prepared to accept this, and you will get an emotional response. This is why you want to make sure that enough time has passed before you do that. Approach your ex slowly, to see if he or she is ready to accept what you want to say. The best way to say you are sorry ...

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