Thursday 1 March 2012

Ringing In The Ears Caused By Loud Noise http Loud Noise And Ringing In The Ears If you have ever experienced ringing in the ears after attending a concert, night club, or sporting event you're not alone. Exposure to loud noise repetitively or just once can damage your hearing. In most cases the ringing goes away quickly but there are those where the ringing and buzzing persists. This is the most common symptom of tinnitus. Loud noses that lead to ringing in the ears are the most common cause of tinnitus. Some other sounds those afflicted with tinnitus describe hearing are whistling like a train, roaring like crickets or frogs, or hissing like a pressure cooker. These sounds can be intermittent or constant. The strange thing is that the sounds being perceived by the tinnitus sufferer are occurring without an external stimulus. What Is Ringing In The Ears Though the ringing in the ears is happening in lieu of an outside noise source it is definitely real to the tinnitus sufferer. If you know anybody with this condition you already know how hard it is for them to focus during the day with the constant buzzing but worse yet is how difficult it for them to fall asleep. Fatigue is ever present reminder for tinnitus sufferers since finding a way to relax with the constant ringing is difficult. Modern medicine has yet to perfect a cure for tinnitus. The medical establishment classifies tinnitus as a condition not a disease. The medical approach looks to treat the specific symptom and ...

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