Tuesday 31 July 2012

5 Signs Your Ex Still Wants to Get Back Together With You!

www.lonelinesstohappiness.com 5 Signs Your Ex Still Wants to Get Back Together With You! It can be hard to move on when your ex has broken up with you. There are so many feelings involved, often irrational feelings. Sometimes irrational feelings make us say and do things we don't mean, like breakup with someone really special. Here are some sure signs your ex wants to get back together: 1. Has your ex apologized? Often an apology means different things to different people and you know your ex best. Some people can verbally apologize and not mean it, so look for signs. If your ex has feelings of remorse or regret, if they talk about the past longingly, if they haven't tried to move on, perhaps they want to get back together. 2. Do they enjoy spending time with you? Are they spending time with you? If you answered yes to any of the above, your ex still cares for you and wants to keep you in their life. If they had moved on, you probably wouldn't hear from them again. 3. Does your ex get jealous? Do they seem territorial? Are they stalling on their own personal life? If your ex wants to get back together, it can be hard to keep that from you for long. Their true feelings for you will always surface. If you mention someone else, if you start dating someone else, or another person tries to flirt with you in front of your ex, watch what happens next. If your ex seems jealous, if they make a rude comment about the person, it could mean they want to get back together, that they ...

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