Monday 16 July 2012

driving fear | panic attacks | fear of driving --- here's a couple things you need to know about your fear First.Your fear proves you're a VERY fast learner. Having a fear often means that you have the ability to learn at a much more accelerated rate than normal. You probably had a bad experience while driving, such as getting anxious for no apparent reason or having a panic attack, and from a small handful of experiences you developed an intense fear response that you carry with you to this day. You only needed a very small amount of experience for your brain to learn something very powerful. Now here's the good news... If done correctly, you can use that same rapid learning ability to be taught something new - to learn to NOT be afraid while driving. Second.Fear is simply a message. Your brain is telling you that something is dangerous and you need to be on guard, ready to take action to protect yourself or escape! But here's the big problem... Your brain is making a huge mistake!

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